Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Athens: Roman Agora and Hadrian's Library

Even with two weeks in Greece, we didn't have time to see everything we wanted to see. In Athens, we did not have time to enter the Roman Agora of Athens or Hadrian's Library, but we were able to see them from the outside.

Roman Agora at Athens

The Roman Agora is very close to Hadrian's Library and Ancient Agora and down a steep hill from the Acropolis's main entrance.

According to "Athens Roman Agora," "the Roman Agora was actually a marketplace, an open market."

You can see a lot without actually entering the Roman Agora, but you don't get to hear or read tour details without entering.

Hadrian's Library

Hadrian's Library is not far from the Roman Agora.

Much can be seen without even entering the Hadrian's Library site.

However, without entering, one does not get to read signs or hear a tour.

We would have liked to have had more time to tour the Roman Agora and Hadrian's Library, but we were happy to have at least seen them from the outside.

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