Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis Museum in Athens is an incredible modern facility featuring fantastic pieces of antiquity.

Amateur photography is allowed in most of the museum (everywhere except the Archaic Acropolis Gallery on the first floor), but those photographs cannot be published even in digital form, so I am not able to include interior photographs in this blog post.

Fortunately, even the outside of the museum itself is fascinating.

All of these photographs were taken in outdoors areas before you enter the museum.

It was in the Acropolis Museum that I realized what the controversy is about related to the Parthenon Sculptures that are in the British Museum. All pieces that are in the British Museum are represented by bright white replicas and they visibly contract with the offwhite color of the original pieces.

The Acropolis Museum is full of fascinating ancient artifacts presented in a modern facility that presents them in very approachable fashion.

I'm disappointed that I cannot include some of my favorite personal photographs from inside the Acropolis Museum here, but numerous photographs are available in "The Acropolis Museum | Photo Story of One of the World's Best Museums."

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