Thursday, November 18, 2021

Pella: Birthplace of Alexander the Great

As part of our day trip from Thessaloniki to Edessa's waterfalls, we also had the opportunity to visit the Pella archaeological site and associated museum (Archaeological Museum of Pella).

Pella is the birthplace of Alexander the Great.

Pella was an ancient capital of Macedonia.

The mosaic floors are highly detailed and impressive.

From the size of the ruins, it's clear that Pella was a relatively good-sized city.

After touring the ruins at the Pella archaeology site, we took a short ride to the museum.

This modern museum offered the opportunity to see aritfacts excavated from the Pella site.

My favorite part of the museum was the reproductions of the mosaic flooring we had just seen at the site.

The Archaeology Museum of Pella is a modern building that beautifully presents ancient artifacts.

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